Sally Dark Rides specializes in crafting destination-quality attractions that captivate audiences across the globe. Established in 1977 as an animatronic production company, Sally has since evolved into the foremost designer and manufacturer of some of the most successful dark rides in the industry. Our comprehensive services encompass custom design, interactive integration, special effects, animatronics, scenic fabrication, media integration, control systems, project management, and installation.


Ride Design

Sally's creative team works closely with clients and brand managers to conceptualize the complete attraction design. From story writing, animatronics, media, special effects and every detail in between, our innovative designers create solutions for success.


Mechanical Animation

Quality craftsmanship that stands the test of time is our guarantee. Our 40,000 sq. ft. office doubles as a production shop for our team of engineers, technicians, fabricators, and artists.


Scenic Artistry

Realistic sets are a fundamental part of immersing riders and suspending disbelief. From black light UV paintings to handmade props, our artists go above and beyond to seamlessly blend scenes together into one stunning final product.

Scenic Artistry Attrctions

Ride System

To best fit your dark ride with the proper ride system, we take many factors into consideration: what is your capacity goal, thrill level, and what makes most sense for the story? Once the ride system is decided, our designers customize the design of the vehicle to coincide with the story.

Dark Ride System Attraction

Interactive Gaming

Interactivity is another component that can be added to a dark ride. The gaming aspect has proven to be the most effective tool for leveraging repeat ridership.

Targets can be placed physically within the set or integrated in media on screens. Realtime Gaming is another interactive component that really pushes the video-game-like quality of a dark ride.

Interactive Game Systems Attraction


Animatronics are technologically fascinating. They engage guests with their realistic appearances and seemingly self-powered movements.

Use them as an entrance greeter or incorporate them into your attraction as characters from the story.

Aniatronics Attraction

Special FX

From interactive fog screens, to Pepper’s Ghost - we’ve got tricks up our sleeves to enhance your attraction and impress your audience.

Special FX Attraction

Soundtrack Production

A custom soundtrack gives a dark ride life. Whether immersing riders deep within a scene or delivering a message through the mouth of an anmiatronic, our sound engineers and producers craft something unique every time.

Soundtrack Production Attractios

Media Integration

Turn a dark ride from classic to mixed-media by incorporating large screens into the scenes. Adding 3D animation on top of that brings a larger than life experience that thrill seekers will enjoy, and creates a broad range of targets for competitive riders.

Media Integratoin Attraction

Project Install

Our project managers are on site with the entire crew to ensure all moving parts come together seamlessly. We deliver quality dark rides on time and on budget.

Installation Dark Ride Attraction