An Expertise in Construction, A Passion For Dark Rides
As project manager, Chris manages all the details of a project to ensure the team operates like a well-oiled machine. Creating and managing the schedule throughout the project is key to a successful installation. Ensuring the dark ride building is prepped, coordinating with subcontractors and projecting costs throughout the process are just some of the moving pieces he is responsible for.

Read More: Employee Spotlight
What does your job entail?
I coordinate and manage the installation of animatronics and dark rides.
With Sally Since:
Since May 2016
What is your favorite project?
What is your favorite park?
What is your favorite Dark Ride?
What is your favorite 80's, 90's song or song in general?
Pennywise, Bro Hymn
If you could be any animal in the world what would it be?
Owl: they are wise, majestic & awesome hunters
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What do you work toward in your free time?
Being a good waterman, outdoors man, & human
Which storybook character do you relate to the most?
What is your favorite sport?
What was your favorite TV show growing up?
The Spanish Fly, The Simpson's and MacGyver
What is your special talent?
Getting people amped!
What's next on your bucket list?
Swimming with Great White Sharks