Sally Corporation's new, action-packed interactive dark ride, Justice League: Battle For Metropolis, opened in May 2015 at Six Flags St. Louis, following the Six Flags Over Texas opening. This thrilling new attraction brings the world's most famous super heroes to life...battling alongside park guests in an epic fight to defeat two of the most feared villains in the DC Universe, The Joker and Lex Luthor.
Created in cooperation with Warner Bros. Consumer Products and DC Entertainment, this dynamic adventure features Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, and Supergirl in a fight to save the city of Metropolis from mass destruction.
Go ahead, take a ride!
The calm before the storm... A look at the Hall Of Justice facade before the Media Day commenced.
And then the crowds started to arrive...
The media showed up in numbers!
And so did the superheroes! All waiting in suspense to ride Six Flag's St. Louis's NEW dark ride!
All eyes and ears on Park President, Dave Roemer and members of the Justice League as they call on recruits to help save Metropolis.
And the crowds rush in to battle The Joker and Lex Luthor!
Meanwhile, inside the Hall of Justice, The Flash, Cyborg, Superman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman are listening intently to Lex Luthor's evil plans to destroy the city.
Outside, interviews with the press continued.
But it wasn't long before we had to get in on the action!
After taking a few rides, the SallyCorp team is all smiles after a successful opening. Here's lead ride designer, Rich Hill, CEO of Sally Corporation, John Wood, and project manager, Donna Gentry.
Some of us were really feeling like superheroes!
All in all, it was a SUPER day and we're so excited for everyone to go ride Justice League: Battle For Metropolis!!